Thursday, June 29, 2023

A Slender Thread...

Apocalyptic thinking...

It has always been with us. "The End is Near." Always. Of course, the end is near for all of us. Every day, every era. All the time. Individually the end is just a stilled-heartbeat away.

And those grand Apocalyptic narratives have always been with us too, at least since we could tell each other stories around a campfire. And don't forget that over-heated, over-stuffed, over the top, pretty implausible scenario played out in the Book of  Revelations in the Bible.

Maybe Human Beings have a strange attraction to Apocalyptic stories? Maybe it's similar to the attraction we have to Horror Movies?

Is it fun to be scared? Maybe, if you know it's NOT real. But if it all gets too real, then not so fun. The last few days the air itself is dangerous to our health. Forest fires raging out of control miles away, turning the air into a toxic cloud. Apocalyptic, no doubt.

The Climate Catastrophe is here. It is sort of an apocalypse for our lovely Gaia.  Our Earth Goddess is under threat from Human Beings. It's a sad story. You wonder how it will all play out? 

Will we all wake-up in time and change our ways? At the moment, it's doesn't look likely. In the madness & the idiocy of the times, it seems we are doubling down on the madness and the idiocy. 

I cling to a slender thread of optimism. Not sure how, or why. I guess it's in my nature. But Bad Times are here for sure. Hiding from the day, and the air itself, isn't really an option. So we go forth, and hope for a better day, a better way.