Friday, June 30, 2023

Old Testament Biblical...

Yikes. It has all gone Old Testament Biblical on us now. Plagues, floods, rain of frogs, burning bushes, hell-fire, dogs walking backwards, Human Beings praying to the skies for some relief, and a cold, uncaring Higher Power looking down on the stupid Human Beings with stony-eyes. Yikes. I do think we have "cooked our own goose."  Earth's Vital Signs are Going Haywire.

We have done this to ourselves. No doubt. Yesterday, toxic unbreathable air here in the Heartland, you know, this used to be the land of green-grasses, rolling hills, flower-dotted meadows, the bread-basket for many: corn, wheat, soybeans, etc. Now it's drought, super-humid, boiling-hot, folks are asked to stay inside. I was out and about. It was kind of eerie. The streets were deserted, the air had a toxic-orange tint. I had a bandana around my mouth, an echo of the pandemic lockdown months.

This is not what were thinking when we talked about looking forward to Summer. If it's bad here, we hear that it's worse in other parts of the USA. Yep. We are all connected, everything counts, and now there are consequences to our mindless, all-consuming, don't give fuck, approach to our life-supporting-interconnected, ecosystem. Gaia is under assault, she is a patient with all her vital signs going South. What's that scary phrase you once heard in a hospital: A CASCADE OF FAILURE!

What's next? One of my favorite phrases: A change of consciousness can happen in an instant. There is a smidgen of Hope in that idea. One day Human Beings wake up and realize that everything must change, now. Could that day be coming? Who knows?! It's a bit too toxically-smoky to see what's ahead.