Saturday, July 01, 2023

Swamped? Turn to the Wonder...

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." - Charles Dickens

You might think you are being swamped by bad news. That seems to be the vibe and theme around here lately all across the Globe. How to keep your head up with a smile on your face? You do not want to be a Happy Idiot, or the Great Pretender, you don't want to be in denial, to put your head in the sand. You can be awake & aware, but at the same time, you have to work a bit to find the positive in the negative, to attend to the Wonder. It is a determined choice to lean to the Light. Maybe takes a bit of gumption. It's that classic Yin/Yang thing. The Dark in the Light, the Light in the Dark. 

Maybe it helps to know that it has always been so. The Darkness in a battle with The Light. Bad Times & Good Times always contending moment to moment.

I'd recommend pulling your horns in a bit. Focus on the small, close to hand things. Do your laundry, sweep the floor, play your guitar, sing a song, listen to cool music (Daft Punk & Steely Dan) on a pair of great audiophile headphones, watch a funny & engaging limited series show on Netflix (Beef). Eat well. Sleep well. Carry yourself with a happy swagger. Attend to business, which is being fully alive with maximum heart and soul. Keep close to laughter. Not the cynical sarcastic kind, instead the true soul-enriching belly-laughs. 

Be Happy to be Alive. Despite the darkness and turmoil. That's the ticket. It is a slender reed, but it's everything. Alive. Still kicking. There is Hope & Joy in the simple momentum of Life. Living. Really. I'm not kidding.