Tuesday, June 27, 2023



I was debating the merits & the delights of Everything-Bagels and English-Muffins, and which was better than the other, in this post. I have come to the realization that one doesn't need to choose one over the other. One can choose both. One way to solve the conundrum. That has been my aim and method lately. One of each for breakfast. Yes. Sure. Why not? 

Also, after my traumatic bike calamity a couple weeks ago, I finally consummated the trade. I traded in my Ferrari of a bicycle for a Toyota Corolla of a bicycle. It feels so good. An end to a debacle. They were all so very helpful and kind at the bike shop, they basically gave me a full trade-in, I think they too realized I was a danger to myself and to others with that flashy, light, lightening-fast bicycle. So yes, my new wheels and bike frame are heavier, bulkier, more substantial, I now own an ultimate cruiser. 

Feeling better too this a.m. Listening to my body. It is in the process of healing. Which is always amazing. The healing and regenerating powers of the human body are a pretty amazing phenomenon. The last few days in the heartland there is a bit of humidity in the air, and that too seems to help minimize the stiffness of my limbs. Every day feeling a bit better.

I am also practicing what I preach. I am using Arnica to treat my wounds. I am a big believer in the healing power of Arnica gel and cream. I always recommend it to friends and family. Is it all in my head? Is this healing just the placebo effect in action? It is a funny question. Am I healing because I think this useless thing is helping my body heal? To me it points to the power of positive thinking, and how mind/body is one thing. So, yeah, in my experience using Arnica seems to help me in the healing process. So I use it thinking it will help me heal, and, in fact, I do heal, so, you know, whatever?! I mean, it doesn't seem to have any side-effects, so why not?! Maybe it really is a miracle cure?

Music therapy helps too. It's another one of my go-to remedies. Yesterday, late afternoon, a cloudy, slightly-rainy day, I put on my audiophile headphones and submerged into my favorite Flaming Lips albums: Embryonic, The Soft Bulletin, American Head. They are wonderful universes of uncommon  sound. Lots of ear candy floating around in the joyous, over-stuffed, and head-turning, mixes. The Lips are one of the great American bands, no doubt. Creative, trippy, funny, soulful. Their music is powerful, enthralling and engaging. I do believe just by listening, by tuning into these beautifully conceived albums that I am healing myself: heart, head, spirit. Moment to moment. Even if it's all just voodoo, you know, who cares, it seems to work. That's the power of creativity, music & art.

Yes. Progress, indeed.