Friday, June 09, 2023

Karma in Florida!

Ha, ha, ha...

Let me wax Biblical: "You Shall Reap What You Sow."

Let me wax Philosophical: "What You Do, Will Come Back to You."

Let me wax School-Yard: - "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”

Word has come down that a notorious, overweight, blubbering-bully, and blowhard, has to answer for his actions. Funny. So funny. I can't think a more deserving toxic clown. KARMA. Why is this idiot facing the music? He has no one to blame but his own overstuffed, blimp-proportion self. The worst fate for this particular clown? He has to BE him. He has to live in his own creepy-crawly skin. He is gonna spend lots of time in courtrooms trying not to go to prison for a very, very long time. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Oh yeah, innocent until proven guilty. That's Justice in America. But, man, oh, man. This particular Dude just stinks of a deep and obvious guiltiness. He has been flaunting his contempt for the rule of law for a very loud & long time. Odiferous. Guilty. As Sin. I think that's the story-line. You know, as they say, "No one is Above the Law." Let it Come Down!