Thursday, June 08, 2023

Calamity Lurks...

In the driver's seat. Right. You are behind the wheel, you have your foot on the gas, or the brake, often you are alternating. You want to have a light, not a heavy, foot. Hopefully, you are wearing your  seat-belt. Your eyes are peeled, you are alert, hands on the wheel at 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock. You often check the rearview mirror, and the side mirror too. Remember images are "closer than they appear." You get that distinct feeling that you are "in control." Don't get too full of yourself. Follow the signs, don't check your phone, be here now. Always drive defensively. Remember, shit happens, any moment, any corner, any intersection. Calamity Lurks. Chaos, baby, it's in-built into the Universe. Do you fantasize about taking your hands off the wheel? Do you just want to let go and ride? Be careful, Pilgrim. Take nothing for granted. Sure, you are blasting that radio, the Classic Rock Station: "We are the Champions," "Don't Stop Believing," "More than a Feeling," "Dream On," "Rikki Don't Lose that Number," "Don't Fear the Reaper," "Teenage Wasteland," "Life in the Fast Lane," "Carry on My Wayward Sun," "Put the Lime in the Coconut," "Money, it's a Gas," "Free-bird," "Excitable Boy,"...  it's the soundtrack of your life...