Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Homely and Home...

Back home in my own humble digs after a series of long stay-overs at homes of grand luxury. Yes, it's a weird existence. Back to familiar surroundings. Being away means that everything is a little bit new, reintroducing myself to my own belongings. Maybe it's a good thing? Reminds me of all I have; my books, my cds, my bed, my pillows, my sound system, my guitars, my coffeemaker, my little flock of birdies, and, oh yeah, my long-time partner. Everything is a little less luxurious, but it's all more in tune with who, and where, I really am in the zeitgeist. It's a nice place. Not that fancy, but every nook and cranny is reflective of me and my partner. Surrounded by our stuff. It's not as bright and shiny and plush and luxurious as some of those amazing mansions. Maybe a little bit beat, funky & homely, but you know, home.