Saturday, June 10, 2023

Slimed by the Shite...

Ha... ha... ha... sorry, still laughing (see previous post)...

It is all too funny. The Gaseous Blimp-Man is in a world of hurt. There will be lots of huffing and puffing, and over-wrought idiocy in trying to defend the indefensible, but it's all just toxic smoke meant to make us all stupid; truly-idiotic & indefensible, and I mean WTF?!?*

* What is super-funny, all the most damaging, devastating evidence against Blimp Baby comes directly from the his own blubbering lips. His words, his actions. Testimony from his ex-lawyers & accomplices. Yep. Notes, audio recordings, photos, video. Yikes. Pretty damn incriminating & funny.