Saturday, April 15, 2023

Healthy Abstaining...

"First, do no harm." - Pithy & concise.

It turns out that isn't in the Hippocratic oath. The closest sentence and sentiment in the document: "I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm."

Those ancient Greeks had their shit together. No doubt. The Hippocratic Oath was taken by those practicing medicine, but, you know, really, it's seems like an oath, and a code for righteous living, that could be adopted by all of us.

Today, it's seems it's hard to get folks to abstain from anything. We seem to be the Tricky Monkeys who want everything all the time, which includes indulging in mindless, entertaining, wrong-doing and harm to ourselves and others.  

Maybe a little healthy abstaining might be a good idea?!