Friday, April 14, 2023

A New Discipline...

So, yes, the last few weeks a bit energy depleted. A few days, bone-dead-tired. Slowly, gradually, finally I am getting a bit of my fabled MOJO back. How did I do it?

A bit of discipline and practice. Eat less, talk less, think less. More walking, more biking, more singing & guitar playing, more silent-witness & casual observation. 

Funny how being in motion keeps the energy flowing.

The warmer temps and glorious sunshine helped too. Long days in the sunshine. Luxuriating in the passing days, the trees, all the little birdies singing in the branches, flowers blooming, many-splendored life springing up all around.

Less energy going out, more energy coming in. Sounds simple, and it's true, it is simple. I stopped that endless needing, wanting, grasping. Let the days come to me.  It seems to be working. Still, you know, it's always one day at a time. Wonder what's next...