Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Vibe Rules...

You can't help thinking someone is directing these episodes. It's what all those kooky religions take as a starting point. But no director is necessary. It's just a vast conspiracy of a Universe of Elements. One day pure sunshine, everything alive and shiny, Human Beings acting out like there is no tomorrow, and then, the next day, rainy, gray, subdued, everything seemingly turning inward, streets empty, no Humans to be seen. 

One day demands you to show up and be counted, the next day requires you to turn inward, shelter in place.

So yes, if you are one of those who ride the vibe of the day, you ride, for all you are worth, no matter what the theme, no matter the scene, no matter what the elements conspire to whisper to you. The vibes rules, you just ride.