Tuesday, March 21, 2023

A Walking/Talking Contradiction...

If you are "woke," as, of course, you should be, just like me, you are- "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues especially issues of racial and social justice," AND, if you are still a quite exuberant, optimistic-type, you are basically an annoying walking, talking contradiction. You can reel off the woes of the world, you can dish the bad shit with the worst of the shit-stirrers, you can go toe to toe in any argument with any bleak-looker about the long sordid human tale of flaw and tragedy, you can recount all the pain, misery, murder and skullduggery of being a human being, but then, just as easily and quickly you can turn on a dime, and conjure up a sunny vision, marvel at the grand beauty and lightness of life. You are the type of person who, when they come down with a particularly nasty cold (tested, not covid), that attacks all your main faculties, and reduces you to a wheezing, congested hulk, barely able to breathe or sleep, you tell a friend: "One good thing about getting sick, you can lay down, wrap yourself up in a cocoon, and just chill out." Looking at the upside of being sick. Now that's annoying! Hah!