Monday, March 20, 2023

Pizza Party!

There is this handy phrase people bandy about: "No one is above the Law." Is it true? Maybe. You know, it's probably more of an aspirational thing than the reality, but we do want to live in a society, a country, where the law is applied equally to all. I mean, sometimes how the law is applied seems arbitrary, and circumstantial, and contingent upon being flush with $ to hire good lawyers. There is the Law and there is Justice, and well, sometimes it all looks like a game. Justice often isn't really Justice we all just muddle through, people trying their best to do what's right. We like to think that no one is above the law, but it's an open question. Word on the street is that a loud, obnoxious, fat man, who just can't stop fucking blabbering may have to face the music in a courtroom in Manhattan this week. I cannot think of another person so deserving of a healthy serving of justice. One can only hope. If it is indeed true there's only one super-appropriate response: PIZZA PARTY!!!