Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Remedy & Recovery...

What to believe in? Lately my new religion Alka Seltzer Cold Remedy tablets. Shite. You have to believe in something. I have been battling an especially nasty cold. My friend turned me onto the Alka Seltzer tablets (night & day) and they are definitely helping. They knock me out so I can sleep. They keep me in a bit of a day-time fog; it is sort of a numbing, genial, fog slowly stretching forward to a better day.

Last night, in a deep, medicated sleep, I dreamed about "The Trinity." I was asked to make a pick like on that old TV show "Let's Make a Deal." Pick a door! The Father? NOPE. The Son. NAH. The Holy Ghost? Bingo!

So weird, a twisted & strange thought bubble from my distant Catholic grade school past. I suppose it is true, I have always gravitated to the third entity in the trio: The Holy Ghost, The Holy Spook, The Holy Spirit. Mainly because the Holy Ghost is so nebulous, unknowable, undefinable, mysterious, and, you know, it can mean anything you want it to mean; that's the kind of entity I can get behind, even if it's just a vanishing image in a disappearing fog. There are no commandments, no laws, no rules, no morality, just light, the spirit of light, goodness and transcendence. At least, that's how I interpret it.  For some reason, I have always imagined the Holy Ghost as a bird, a silent, little white bird. We used to live with one, a singular little parakeet, pure-white. She was a quiet, mysterious presence. When she died (it was heart-breaking), we buried her in the garden behind our building. Anyway, yes, I believe in spirit, in energy, in mystery, in some kind of exalted transcendence. I mean, I have experienced these things in my own life, and in my own body. So just like those tablets, I am the living evidence of their existence and their positive effects. Alka Seltzer and the Holy Ghost. Believing in the power of believing, and possibility of health and recovery. Amen.