Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Truth and Consequences...

Ha. Well. According to John 8:32, Jesus once said "The Truth Will Set You Free." 2nd hand information. You wonder, is it true

BTW - this citation says that Jesus spoke the line to "a group of Jews who believed in him." But really shouldn't it read, Jesus, a Jewish person, said the line to a group of Jews? Folks seem to conveniently forget that Jesus was a Jew too. You know Jesus, Joseph, Mary, were all Jewish. Those White-Supremacist, Right-Wing, Fascist, Christian Nationalists who demonize Jews, and any one of "color," are seriously deluded, and wrong-headed. The Holy Ghost? Maybe not Jewish, maybe just a trippy, mystical pigeon? Who knows? Funny, that.

And anyway, what of…

the hard truths
the ugly truths
the inconvenient truths

You tend to think it's best to live your life in accordance with facts and reality. But, we can all see that often things get confusing. Folks want to believe what they want to believe, damn the facts, damn the reality.

"To thine own self be true."  That comes from Polonius, speaking to Hamlet in Shakespeare's great play. Some interpret it to mean, be true to yourself, avoid self-deception.

Living with your truth, being true, being up to task of facing the truth; these all seem to be admirable qualities. You want to live with Heart, Soul, Beauty and Truth. It seems like a simpler and more righteous way to live. If you are always conjuring up lies, to yourself and others, you are creating a living Hall of Delusion. I think lots of folks would prefer to live with their delusions. But it is a false reality, and it takes lots of energy to try to keep your story straight. Having a clear-eyed view of the world seems like such a good idea.

But… sometimes… maybe the truth is just too hot to handle? I think of the tale of Oedipus in Greek Mythology. Poor guy, ("He was destined to be doomed all his life."),  he accidentally, unknowingly, unintentionally, slept with his Mother and murdered his Father. It was all so disheartening, he ended up blinding himself by sticking two golden pins into his eyes. Yikes.  I mean, he could see, and then he was blind.

Contrary to that other idea: "I was blind but now I see." Which is another Bible verse. Which is cool, but then again you recall that so much of the Bible seems like fabulous invention. More happy talk and delusion?

I also think of that  Neo-Futurist play, "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind." Is there something to be said about not living with too much truth? Do we Human Beings need a little bit of delusion to keep our heads in the game? For sure we need Hope, Dream, Imagination. Tools beyond the cold, hard reality and truth. Sometimes maybe don't to look too closely in the Mirror? You don't want to embrace lies, but maybe you keep a bit of distance to some of the bitter truths? Like anything else, there is probably a healthy balance. But it's mystery to how you actually get there.

Best way forward? Beats me. I mean, Only the Shadow Knows...