Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Uncertainty & Mishap...

A day, yes, let's call it a day. Yesterday was a day of tiny fuck-ups, little eddies of chaos, tiny streams of entropy, misplaced words, cracked misunderstandings, mis-laid plans. There were false alarms, runaway dogs, strange rumblings, hard-feelings, deep misgivings, broken lines, mystery wounds, tiny cuts on an arm & knuckle, blood trickling, an errant attack from nothing and nowhere. 

I walked the lonely streets late last night. All was clear. Big, lake-side mansions lit-up like overgrown museum pieces, an enormous, looming star-scape above. I looked up and said to myself, "That's the Big Dipper," but how was I to be sure? Maybe it was the Little Dipper? One would be relative to the other. I couldn't get my star-bearings. Uncertainty & mishap seemed to be on the ascendant the whole day.