Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Road...

We must always be diligent & vigilant. The arrows of outrageous fortune can come from any corner, and at any moment. It might make one a bit paranoid & edgy. That's the price of being fully conscious to the moment. It's a big, robust, contradictory, always contending Universe. We are such tiny, infinitesimal pieces in an over-stuffed, much grander puzzle. I was reminded yesterday that every word, every thought has consequence. Every step too. Multi-tasking is a recipe for failure & fuck-up. I am super-good at occupying myself with my own private obsessions. Not so good navigating the highways and byways of others. Feelings, invisible and dangerous, can come crashing down like enormous waves washing everything away in their wake. Clear consciousness. Clarity. Breath. Paying fucking attention. Guide-posts on the road.