Sunday, February 05, 2023

The Balloon Kerfuffle...

What about that Chinese balloon?

Ha, ha, ha... the first act in the coming World War III? I think not. I find the whole episode pretty hilarious. President Joe is the man, no doubt. The right man, the right time. Shooting that balloon down over water so no one could be harmed in the doing was absolutely the right thing to do. Some folks think Joe is too old for the job of Commander in Chief, but I think his age is actually his super-power. He has no more "fucks" to give. He has no need to worry about his legacy or what he is going to do in the future. His legacy and future is NOW. He doesn't have to aspire, or reach for some lofty goal, he just needs to be him, doing what thinks is the right thing to do. Joe Biden is in the flow of the moment, and it's just fucking damn perfect. His heart, head and spirit is perfectly aligned. I think of Joe as sort of a Zen Master. This whole balloon kerfuffle is perfect symbolic event that we can all understand. Joe knows his shit and he gives a shit. We can all be assured that the ship of state is in good, competent, decisive, intelligent and wise, old hands. You go Joe...