Saturday, February 04, 2023

A Friday Life Lesson...

Yesterday was a bit of a life lesson in dichotomy & contradiction. 

On the one hand, bone-chilling, blood-freezing cold. The kind of cold temperatures that hurt your body, your skin. Everything is harder, less forgiving, crunchy, brittle. Layers of  sweaters and coats to keep warm. Two pairs of socks, two pairs of gloves. A furry winter hat. You walk around like a multi-layered abominable snowman. 

On the other hand, a brilliant blue sky. Glorious, transcendent, dazzling sunshine lighting up everything. The snow on the ground sparkling, sunbeams bouncing off all surfaces and angles. Blazing, naked trees, light and shadow dancing. A bright, shiny, bold day. You couldn't help seeing the beauty all around, and it was magnificent. Massive waves crashed into the beach, packed with ice and snow. Far off on the horizon, improbable, puffy, dark clouds, looking like floating mountain ranges. 

Harsh cold & dazzling beauty wrapped together.