Monday, February 06, 2023

Quality, The Good, The Tao, The Buddha...

I am in that part of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" when it's all about "Quality." I think it's a bit of a mind game. Quality = The Good, Quality = The Tao, Quality = The Buddha.

We all know what is Good. See Iris Murdoch's "The Sovereignty of Good." Yes. Good transcends all. It seems simple and true. 

We lean to the Light. We know what is good without rules and commandments. We don't need the promise of Heaven or the punishment of Hell to want to live a good life. Life is good. Life loves Life and Living things.

Yesterday it was a day of leisure and rest. The highlight of the day was a walk on the lakefront, bathed in glorious Sunshine. The temps were a bit more moderate. We landed at our favorite Thai restaurant and sat in our favorite booth. Sun crashing thru the window, the street alive with folks bustling down the sidewalk.

Eating well: Ginger drink, Miso Soup, Pad Kee Mao with Tofu; healthy, clean, delicious. A rambling  conversation. No stress. No worries. No deadlines. We kind of floated thru the day. Later listened to music, my partner worked on a drawing, I put some headphones on and luxuriated in the music of Sigur Ros.

We finished the evening with an episode from that South Korean epic, "The Alchemy of Souls." Passionate, Head-turning, Heart-tugging, mind blowing. So great. 

Yes, Quality. It was a day devoted to Quality, The Good, The Tao, The Buddha...