Friday, February 17, 2023

Measuring the Day...

Pythagoras: "Man is the measure of all things."

Let me amend this sentence reflecting our "woke" reality. All controversy aside, you really, really do want to be Woke. It is your responsibility as a fully engaged Human Being.

My amended sentence: Human Beings are the measure of all things Human.

Yep. So, anyway, yesterday was an example of the other face of Nature. I have written about the Beauty to be found in the day, yesterday was a distinctly different kind of Beauty. I was measuring the reality of the day and it was awesome in it's nasty rawness.

There were ice-darts flying off the lake yesterday. The wind ran across the lake and picked up water, which formed into crystals and those crystals flew thru the air like tiny, piercing, darts. Pummeling. Stinging. It was a gray, cold day. How many shades of gray? Seems there is an infinite color spectrum. The day was black and splashed with white and gray. White snowflakes swirling. Naked, black, gnarly trees standing against the wind. The lake a mushy, hurly-burly of churning, milk-shake gray. The sky was an oppressive, dirty-cotton-gray. It was all spectacularly un-beautiful. Yikes. My mantra for the day: "Don't fall down." It was a day of survival. I was happy to get home in one piece. I tried my best to measure up to the day. I was totally "woke" to the moment and happy to say "I made it."