Saturday, February 18, 2023

Fox News = Empire of Lies!

One, self-assured, finely-constructed, over-loaded line of questioning:

QUESTION: SunnyJimmy were you surprised to find out that Fox News is a corrupt organization, an organization that pretends to be a news network, but in fact is a disinformation platform, that has lied to their audience for years about everything under the sun, and that those lies have undermined Democracy in America, and stoked the Big Lie that Trump pushed trying to cling to power and out of humiliation at losing a free and fair election to Joe Biden, and resulted in an attack on the Capitol on January 6th? Are you surprised that highly-paid grifters and shills like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity knew what they were broadcasting on the air night after night was total bullshit & disinformation, but they did it for entertainment purposes, for the $, to build the brand, and to keep their audience happy like pigs in shit? Are you surprised that Fox viewers desperately wanted to be lied to, that a close-minded, whiny & fearful audience of folks would rather be told lies than to face the real-world, multicultural Democracy that is the present USA? 

ANSWER: Nope. Not surprised in the least. I suppose the surprising part of it is that all of the evidence is presented in glorious black and white: emails & text messages. Yes. We have the smoking guns! The most damaging evidence comes from the shills & grifters themselves. And what is extra-cool, this is all part of $1.2 Billion Defamation Lawsuit brought against Fox by the voting machine company Dominion. Seems the Lying Liars will have to face the music in court.  Ha, ha, ha! Fox News is a plague and a scourge. FOX NEWS = EMPIRE OF LIES!