Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Fascist/B.S. Wing of USA...

I came across this phrase this a.m. It applies to so much of what flies across the land like a renegade balloon: Sloppy Propaganda.

What is funny, most of the sloppiest propaganda comes from the far right wing, and our wealthy wanna-be overlords, you know, the Fascist/B.S. wing of USA. They are a bunch of sleazy narcissists, egotists & cry-babies who want to flood us with their obvious bullshit; to confuse us, divide us, and to make us afraid.

Most of us are smart enough to tune them out, or a least turn them down in volume. We know there is a constant chatter of Bullshit coming from the Right, but we don't have to listen closely or to take them seriously. Yes. Ok. They exist. So what? Lean to the light People. That is where our Hope for a good life and a better future lies.

But there are folks who just desperately want to believe the bullshit. What do you say to the folks who are wrapped in a Right-Wing, Fascist, BS strait-jacket? My suggestion: 

"Yes, it's true that we Woke-Democrats think you are idiots to follow obvious bullshit and stupidly-paranoid conspiracy theories, but what's really funny, your Champions, those who are peddling such b.s. to you, also think you are fucking fools. Why are they doing it? They have no respect for you. They are telling you what they know you want to hear in exchange for brand-building, and cold, hard $. They are grifting and swindling you with ridiculous falsehoods. And you, dear, delusional right-wing strait-jacket-wearer are gladly swindling yourself, because you can't admit you are wrong, the Woke-Democrats are right, and you have fooled & grifted your own fragile mind into an echo-chamber of B.S."

Ha. Ha. Ha.

The Bullshit-slingers are so ridiculous, obvious and blatant. They truly have nothing to offer. They are desperate for attention. Ha. We don't have to pay them any attention. We can stifle them with our cold, calculated indifference and our joyous sense of humor. They truly are a plague and a Bad Joke. They are a blight and a scourge. You wonder if they will ever wake up? Probably not. You recall that people cried when Stalin died. Some folks will go off the cliff with their delusions intact. To listen to them is to make us all less intelligent. The best response to their soul-killing, brain-hurting crap: "Fuck Off Fuckers!" Ok. No. Maybe that's too harsh. Maybe best to just give those folks a wide-berth. Avoid at all costs. You know, poor things, a mind is a terrible thing to waste...