Thursday, February 16, 2023

Leave the Philosophizing to the Philosophers?

Yeah, all the speculating, and questioning of fundamental principles might be fun and a bit head-spinning, but really, to what end? Idle entertainment? Most of us are just trying to survive day to day. Maybe best to leave the philosophizing to the philosophers?

We are left to decide how to live. How to make it. How not to go crazy. How to stay engaged with the world,  and with reality, and with other Human Beings.  

How do we navigate a world where so much bad shit goes down? You know there is all that chaos, death & destruction. You want to blame someone or some force or entity, but, really bad shit happens all the time. Seems that there is a darkness that is built into the fabric of the Universe.

Good shit goes down too. Seems that there is a light that is built into the fabric of the Universe too. We have to contend with it all. Yes. Contending forces. Swirling around us. We must try our best to keep our heads. Until our "number comes up." We all have something to do here. Be Here Now. Some might say we all have a fate, a destiny, a purpose. If there are deep meanings to our lives, it seems it is up to us to decide what  it is and what that really means. Who knows? We must do what we must do. Damn the torpedos.