Saturday, January 28, 2023

Good Or Not So Good?

What separates a "good day," and a "not so good day?" Sometimes it's all about tiny degrees of distinction, the delicate mix of chemical substances. There is a mysterious alchemy of multiple forces at work. You try to do your part, but then there are all these other ingredients that have to converge or conspire. Things descend and settle upon you. 

At the end of of the day you do a quick inventory, and declare that was a good day. The elements: a fairly restful sleep without haunting, crazy-ass dreams, a good coffee brew, a hot bath, good tunes on the sound-system, a varied musical mix: Velvet Underground, Father John Misty, Beatles, Talk Talk and Tindersticks. Dressed warm for a cold day, and stayed warm. Solid boots on the ground. Sure steps on ice and snow. Made all the appointed rounds on-time & in high spirits.

A good meal, vegetarian pasta, of course, went to the studio and set up our p.a. gear for a rehearsal session which we will do later today. Doing the necessary tasks. Nothing flashy, just showing up and doing the doing.

Watched an amazing South Korean show on Netflix called "Alchemy of Souls," we are already on episode 11. Yes. Great show. Beautiful, funny, powerful, martial arts, adventure, fantasy, the show has it all. It was a recommendation from Patti Smith via her Instagram account. Over the years Patti has been a reliable source of great shows and books. She has turned us on to the books of Roberto Bolano, Haruki Murakmi's "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,"  & the detective series "The Killing." Talk about life-affirming!

Anyway we sipped some Kombucha , a tasty apple-cinnamon concoction, while we watched beautiful and graceful South Korean Mages wield big flashy swords and conjured up improbable magic. A great way to end the day. Yes, we hit the pillows feeling satisfied. That was a good one.