Friday, January 27, 2023

A Mind Thinking About Minds...

 "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." 

Yes. That's a good one. But no one really gives you a good rule book on the best strategies for cultivating and protecting your mind. So much of what happens in our lives is so episodic, and circumstantial. Being "raised in the Church," is one strategy, but it's got it's own horrors, false roads and pitfalls. You don't get to pick your family, you are just born into a little cult and must deal with it for good and bad. And then who you meet, who you hang with, what you do, all seems so very iffy and arbitrary.

Learning to read & write. Those are useful tools, and they expand your circle of influences. Plugging into the culture is another avenue, but of course, it can be an expansive or a totally destructive adventure. What fires you up? What cools you down? It is all so personal. Who is in your peer group? And what will you do to fit in?

The time and place of our birth, the geography, the culture, the air that that we inhale, help make us who and what we become.

Every step of the way, we are building a world in our heads; an elaborate edifice we call mind. Our mind can be filled with wonder or horror; most likely filled with both ends of the spectrum and everything in between. How you apply it, what you think, and how you act on what think defines our life. 

Is it best to have an open mind? Or a closed mind? What about changing your mind? 

It is easy to see how other human beings have ideas and dreams floating around in their minds that totally lead them astray. It's hard to see into our own falsities, little madnesses, fruitless dead-ends, and crazy rabbit holes.

We look at the history of humanity and pick out the best kernels of wisdom, we think maybe we can live a good, fruitful life by clinging to big words and concepts like: Truth, Beauty, Kindness, Humility, Contemplation. Who do we admire? Who do we want to emulate? Who are our "role models?" What do we think of History's Thugs, Murderers, Humanitarians, Scoundrels and Saints?

Meditation, thinking, breathing. Leaning to the Light. Trying to be Good. To live a Good life. Is that good enough? Is that enough of a Code to Live By? 

I don't know. I'm just doing the best I can with the mind I have... how about you?