Thursday, December 15, 2022

Swimming Towards Health, Thoughts on Bullies...

One upside dealing with a nasty virus?

More time unplugging. Reading. Listening to music. Thinking. My body is a battlefield, my immune system is busy gathering forces to knock out the intruding virus culprits. Wading thru waves of congestion. Finally, this morning, I feel like I am emerging from a black cloud, or a dark wave. My energy ebbs and flows. This morning a bit of a surge of energy, and that seems incredibly positive.

Swimming towards health.

In the middle of it all, I disconnected from the wider conversation. Too much energy to engage with the madness swirling in our culture. Taking care of business seems to be the business I want to be in.

Still I came across this quote from Brianna Wu, it seems so smart and on-target:

"That’s this era of politics. Grievance wallowing. We all do it. But the billionaires, and the shitty comedians, and the Nazis and the men who genuinely think they are too smart to be sexist are drowning in it." - Brianna Wu

Yes. A scourge in our public square. Loud-mouth bullies, armed with $ and the glare of celebrity and notoriety.  Bullies. Punching down on women, people "of color," LGBTQ+, etc.

Funny thing about bullies, at heart they are total cowards. They have to win all the time. Once they "lose" the game is up. Bullies have to pretend to be all-powerful, they can never lose, it's all a big lie and a bluff. My very personal experience: one lucky punch, one bloody nose, and those bullies will scatter, clam up, and never bother you again. I don't think it has to be a literal punch in the nose. Calling out their cowardice, laughing at their foolishness. There are many ways to escort the bullies out the door.