Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Vibes...

 String-Theory - "String theory is the idea in theoretical physics that reality is made up of infinitesimal vibrating strings, smaller than atoms, electrons or quarks. According to this theory, as the strings vibrate, twist and fold, they produce effects in many, tiny dimensions that humans interpret as everything from particle physics to large-scale phenomena like gravity."

Maybe not surprising Human Beings love music. Maybe Pete Townsend's rock opera "Tommy" ("But what it's really all about is the fact that ... he's seeing things basically as vibrations which we translate as music."), was right about the vibe thing? I mean, science and spirit tells us it's all about "the vibes." Everything in the Universe is vibrating. The Universe is one massive vibrating instrument. We are all notes and tones and vibrations. Some days we ring out with melodic joy and wonder, some days, it's all cacophony. But, you know, it's all vibes, baby!