Friday, December 16, 2022

Easily Over-Look...

You know we look for that burning bush, that lightening bolt from the sky, the moment where our head is split open-wide and the Universe reveals itself to us in all it's fiery, powerful, illuminating meaning & glory.

But, you know, I think we easily over-look, the glittering speck, the brilliant cloud, the enveloping fog, the tiny glint, the homely mud & stone of insight. Moments of illumination so insubstantial, ephemeral, transitory, infinitesimal, that we don't even notice them, or if we do notice, we don't realize what just happened. A dream, was that a dream I had? What was that flashing, sparkling, little thing in the corner of my eye?

The a.m. soundtrack - Captain Beefhart's "Mirror Man" (1971). One the great American odd-balls. Captain Beefhart pushing the envelope. These are long bluesy jams. Beefhart sounds like a scattered Howling Wolf to my ears. A bit more avant-garde arty version of the Wolf. Pretty cool shit. Not easy listening. Noisy. A bit dissonant. Spiky. Elemental. Raw. Mud and stone of insight, indeed.