Monday, December 26, 2022

For the Butter...

My friend and I chatted over the phone yesterday. A long, rambling conversation about many things. At one point, she asked me, but more in an asking the wind kind of way:

"How did Human Beings get so disconnected from Nature?"

This is one of our great, never-ending, sort of maddening, and kind of numbing, dead-end conversations. We are both deeply concerned, and worried sick over our Species relentless destruction of our interconnected, life-supporting, Web of Life, and although we try to limit our carbon foot-prints, we are vegetarians, we recycle, we compost, we don't own a car, we rarely ever fly in an airplane, we try our best to avoid plastics of all kinds, we have a garden, we commune with trees, we write and sing songs about Gaia, we know deeply in our hearts and minds that it's not enough, not even drops in an ocean, adding up to absolutely nothing in the bigger picture. Still, we do our best to be responsible, sensible, caretakers; Citizens of Planet Earth. We can't imagine any other way. And we hope beyond hope that maybe somehow, magically, our good practices multiply across the globe. One of my go-to quotes: "A change of consciousness can happen in an instant."

Still, there's that question: "Why?" 

We are Children of Mother Nature. We live and survive by the good graces and bounty of beautiful Gaia. Why are we so intent on disrespecting her, and destroying her?

Yesterday, my short off the cuff answer? THE ONE TRUE GOD: "Money."  Can it really be that simple? We all only really honor one God on Planet Earth: Money in it's various guises. Seems too simple an answer, but, you know, it has the hard ring of cold truth.

And then I quoted Black Philip (the Devil figure?), in that great, creepy Robert Eggers movie "The Witch." (2015)

Black Philip: "Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"

Yes. Of course. We all love the taste of butter. We do want to live deliciously. What will we not do to live deliciously?