Sunday, December 25, 2022

Open to the Real...

Not down. Just tuned in, and open, to the real this morning. 

Today we pretend it's Jesus' birthday.
Jesus was born poor, and died, poor.*

Also, thinking...

Rust Never Sleeps.
Things fall apart.
Entropy rules the roost.
The center sometimes will not hold.
Everything is moving.
You make plans, but no one is listening.
Best to go minute to minute.

The a.m soundtrack - No music this morning, my head is overloaded with my swirling, hurly-burly, thoughts about the "historical" Jesus.  *Yes, he was poor, and a good friend to the poor. He was a child of refugees. He was a working man. He lived in a commune with other men. He spent most of  his time with fishermen, lepers, liars, criminals and prostitutes. He was not a friend to rich folk, or to church folk. He fed the poor and needy. Jesus was fond of a free lunch: fishes and loaves for everyone.  He liked a good party: he turned water into wine. He was basically a socialist, sort of a hippie. Jesus was a Jew. Money was not his thing. He preached Love & forgiveness, and "turning the other cheek." Maybe he had a bit of a Messiah Complex? No one is perfect. He paid dearly for being who he was. He kind of summed up the Human Being dilemma/conundrum: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  Aye. There's the rub.