Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Angels Amongst Us...

Thinking about Angels. I haven't seen any of those classic, old-fashioned ones, the ones with wings that we all think of when we think the word "Angel," you know the ones hovering over and around Human Beings as depicted in Wim Wender's "Wings of Desire," which was admittedly inspired by the poems of Rainer Maria Wilke. 

I do love that Angel imagery. "Wouldn't it be nice?" I think Angels reflect our better Angels. If we could imagine the best of a human being, we'd come up with something like an Angel. Not overly emotional. Silent much of time. Observant. Kind. Graceful. Seemingly carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, but lightly, even sort of fashionably.  That weight gives them gravity, but, of course, they can defy gravity. We hope they are living amongst us. We imagine them. We imagine ourselves, and others being that good, beautiful, resilient, quietly powerful.

My thought, yes, of course, Angels really are living amongst us. They are rare. But the do exist. Just like us. The wings are metaphorical. You can't see them, only imagine them, or if you squint really, really hard you can make out a hint of a feather, the invisible outline of a wing. My Angel is the Human Being kind, living far away, in a much different land. A Soul Friend (Anam Cara), someone who would order up a pizza and have it delivered to your door when she realized you were sick, down & out, and grappling with forces beyond your control. Someone who always has a kind word for your weary ears. Someone who has endured her own hardships with grace, and an unbearable lightness of being.

Yesterday, this Angel commented on yesterday's post. She reminded me that Mother Nature (Gaia), can also be difficult. She is a hard Mother. It's true. Mother Nature, she gives us everything, and snatches it away too. Life/Death, Spring/Winter. The Rising/The Falling. Human Beings have a Love/Hate relationship with Nature. No doubt. Sickness, disease, nasty viral creatures are all part of Nature. 

It's complicated. Sometimes it takes an Angel to remind you that there is more to the story, without lording it over you. Just a bit of wisdom sent your way on wings of kindness.