Saturday, December 10, 2022

Avenging Angel of Sickness...

Is it "ironic" or just an instance of supreme bad luck

Doing the thing we love to do most in the world, hosting (a week ago), a r&r show, playing music for a roomful of enthusiastic people, has resulted in an unwanted visit from the Avenging Angel of Sickness. She has invaded our bodies and our home. Yes, that nasty virus that has been navigating the globe, has finally found us. Luckily, both of us, my companion and I, have been vaxxed and triple-boosted. We were originally quite militant, and always, usually, relatively, quite careful over the last few years, but maybe, obviously, we were just not careful enough; we let our masks down at the wrong place, wrong time.  Sickness was in the room with us that night. Unaware, guard-down, we failed to dodge that pesky, troubling, little viral beast.

The Avenging Angel pronounces: "You once felt like that, you will now feel like this!" Sicker than a dog. Sicker than a very sick dog. Yes. Quite the state of sickness. Word of advice: If you can avoid this thing, you should. Pretty sure I feel as sick as I've ever felt. I flashed on being a Freshman in High School with walking pneumonia. That was a difficult time in my life. This morning: Difficult Time Redux.

The good news? 

I think we will live. At least, the signs are encouraging. We are taking all the CDC recommended remedies. We know that many, many people around the world, and those close to home too, have had a much worse time with this thing. The virus has unleashed death, destruction and lingering sickness worldwide. Maybe this recent strain is a bit milder? Maybe all that vaxxing, and boosting helped fortify our bodies with the anti-bodies necessary to put up a fight, preventing the virus from being totally deadly to it's current hosts? The jury is still out. We shall see. Hanging in. There are glimmers of light, thoughts of renewing and refreshing are dancing out there on the horizon. In the meantime, every free and easy breath now counts as a win. The breaths are coming fairly free and easy now, which is a major relief. "They" tell us that in every trauma  there is a lesson.  Today's lesson? Breathing is good!