Sunday, December 11, 2022

Alien Invasion...

A viral infection like an alien invasion. A live virus settling in a new living host. The host becomes something different. We call that sickness. You read - "Viruses: their extraordinary role in shaping Human Evolution." You wonder will that virus change me at some fundamental level?

"Around half of the human genome is made up of millions of DNA sequences that can be traced back to long-dead viruses or similar ‘jumping genes’, known collectively as transposable elements or transposons."

I think of Jeff Goldblum in "The Fly." There is something so primally creepy about the idea of a foreign viral code, making something new of a Human Body. Maybe primally creepy because it's true. What we are today has been shaped by viral invasions over millions of years. We become beings, a bit strange, and oddly funny too. "What is this strange thing I'm becoming?"

On my lips this morning: "I was sick, but now I will be well."  I'm pretty sure you can't will yourself to  wellness, but maybe that kind of thinking is a good mind-set to have in your kit-bag. I am willing a future that is not here yet. I guess that's another way saying I am harboring a nasty virus and a primal hope. We can go many ways in this primal game.