Friday, December 09, 2022

Brave & Determined? Stupid & Risky?

"Take the Bull by the Horns."

Why was this phrase in my head last night? I don't rightly know.

It seems like a stupid and risky thing to do. I mean, if you were thinking of literally doing it, taking a bull by the horns. A bull, a wild animal, much bigger and stronger, than a human being. Would a smart person really put themselves directly in harm's way? The Cambridge Dictionary tells us it means "doing something in a brave and determined way." One person's "brave and determined" is another's "stupid and risky."  I mean, I guess it really would depend on how it all turned out. You know, after the dust settled? Would the bull and the human find peace? Or would there be blood?

Action > Reaction = Consequence.

Of course, this idea is not just a literal idea, it's metaphorical. Directly tackling a big problem or obstacle or nemesis. Isn't it obvious that the consequences of the action reflect on how we'd describe the action?

A peaceful standoff? Permanently maimed? Trampled underfoot?  Iffy...