Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Whew… Democracy Wins...

Ha. Turns out it is a super-duper-close mid-term election. We were told it was going to be a big win for Republicans. Not quite. All that apocalyptic doom and gloom seems a bit silly, but then again fear is a good motivator. The main thing, folks voted, and that is a good thing. Turns out it's a "dog-fight,"as  always, Democracy is messy, it's a process, a battle between ideas and personalities. Still, lots of great news this morning. Democrats did come out to vote. Of course, lots of Republicans voted too. You can look state by state, region by region, locale by locale. Our country is so divided. But as of this moment both the Senate and the House results are up for grabs. "Too close, and too soon to call." It's actually a positive sign for Joe Biden, the Democrats and Democracy. Sure some states seem out of reach, thinking Florida for sure is lost, but look across the country and all the issues that mean so much to me, also seem to be so important to others too. Michigan that state that doomed Hilary Clinton is now solidly Democrat. AND many of the "election deniers" across the country went down to defeat. That is exciting & gratifying. Fingers still crossed. Hoping for the best. A big sigh of relief. I think we are gonna make it. America is a big, unsettled, wildly strange country, but, you know what, DEMOCRACY WINS!