Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Keep Hope Alive...

You believe in Hope: "to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true."


You think: "Why can't everything be great? Why can't everything work out? Why can't we all be happy, full of love, forgiveness and charity?"

I guess you are even silly enough to ask: "Why doesn't everyone see things the way I see them?"

Right. That isn't "Real" Life. Instead, everyone has an opinion, everyone sees themselves as the center of the Universe, everyone has a point, an argument, a dream, and a Hope. Some of us are kind, generous, wish the best for everyone. And there are folks who want to punish, oppress and eliminate other folks.

Don't forget History, a long trail of broken dreams, shadowy doings; bad-blood, rape, murder, genocide, oppression, racism, ignorance, hate.

So today, just like any day, you hope for the best, prepare for the worst. You try to remember that buried in every dream is also a nightmare. There is always a dance of Light & Dark.

No matter what happens, we have to carry on. Keep Hope alive.

The a.m. soundtrack: Bob Dylan's "Desire" (1976) - Yes. One of the all-time great records. Fabulous band: The Rolling Thunder Revue. Supposedly a bit of a chaotic recording process, but just tremendous results. Some of Dylan's finest songs, recorded beautifully, warm, alive, thrilling. Yes. Gives me hope. The creative process, the human imagination, intelligence, humor, poetry. Absolutely fabulous musicianship. Fucking great.