Monday, November 07, 2022

The Simplest Things...

Something extraordinary happens one day (see previous post), and then the next day you just have to carry on. I was empty, worn-out, diamond-hard, crystal-clear yesterday. Only up to taking on the simplest of things. A bike ride, a nice meal, listening to music (Mogwai, Sigur Ros, Nina Nastassia) on headphones, reading Kim Gordon's "Girl in a Band."

This morning hearing & reading totally contradictory things about tomorrow's election. Turn-out up or down? Youth vote up or down? Dems surging, or not? Everything seems like complete disinformation this a.m. I believe some of this is intentional, and some is unintentional. I am going with the idea that "no one knows nothing." Really. Voting. It all comes down to who votes. I guess we shall see.

We voted early. I can't imagine the Democrats losing Senate seats or House seats either. Seems crazy. Stupid too. The Democrats seem like the only party willing to try to make government work for the people. 

I guess we shall see. I have been following Michael Moore, just another guy, not sure if he has any great insight, but he has been posting a long series of articles about why and how the Democrats are going to win big tomorrow.   Is he right? He is writing things I believe in too, so I tend to give him some credibility. He's no dummy. He's smart, funny, he's made some great movies about America and living in America. But, fuck, who knows? 

My experience living in America? The best ideas and the best people holding them don't always win. It's a complicated, contradictory country. And you know, people are tricky. But then again, sometimes the best and brightest ideas and people do carry the day. Fingers crossed, here's hoping the Democrats sweep. We need a new and a better day and a better way to manifest. Yes, we do.