Thursday, November 10, 2022

Still Up for Grabs...

Yes. Well, everything is still up for grabs, but I am happy to find that we still live in a Democracy. Maybe the fever has broken? There is a fat man in Florida a many-times loser (he likes to pretend he is a winner, but of course, we all know that is a lie, a lifetime of lying), of epic proportions still raging and ranting, but really I think most of us have moved on and tuned out that super-loud, over-stuffed, immensely corrupt and disgusting toxic clown. Yes, and there are still a bunch of red-hatted, hyper-angry morons stomping around, spewing hate and amped up ignorance, but really, most of us just want to live a decent life of goodness & prosperity. We all want to see a positive, happy and prosperous America. 

I was born here, lived here all my life. Sure we have problems, some deep and difficult in-grained flaws, with a long record of tragedy and injustice, but I think we all want to lean to the light to turn to a shining city on the hill. Can we get there? It's worth trying: more progressive, more inclusive, more diverse, more welcoming. A government by and for the people, that works for all of us. Maybe it's a starry-eyed dream, but it's a dream worth entertaining. It's the great American experiment. This morning it seems the experiment is still alive and well. 

The a.m. soundtrack? I am on a Dylan kick (yes, again, it's a frequent thing). "Shot of Love" (1981) - a maligned record. I ignored it when it came out, the last of the "born again" trilogy of records late 70's - early 80's. But when I finally gave it a shot it bowled me over. 1st rule: never listen to the critics! Yes. It's raw, gritty, recorded live in the studio. Monitor mixes. All the flaws, and the aliveness is totally  thrilling. Dylan is in fine form, great lyrics, fired by biblical fury, it' a gospel of fire & brimstone, Dylan as prophet of doom and love. A few incredible gems: Shot of Love, Every Grain of Sand, In the Summertime, Groom Still Waiting at the Altar. Great band. So fun. One of my all-time favorite records. A great, flawed, shiny beast of beauty and creativity. Gives me hope, makes me laugh. Joy.