Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Two Drops in the Ocean of Turmoil...

Yesterday, someone I know called me "close-minded." Ha. I don't think of myself as close-minded at all. So it briefly threw me for a loop.  If you pressed me, I guess I would say I can be quite recalcitrant, and stubborn, and gladly argumentative. Often I am testing ideas, trying them on for size, seeing if they fit. 

But I have no problem, picking and choosing ideas and taking positions with gusto. This can be infuriating and maddening to folks around me. Especially when I play "Devil's Advocate." You know, I can often jump from one idea to the next and try to make a case, even if that case is not what I truly believe. Sometimes I don't really know what I truly believe unless I talk it, think it, thru. You know, it's that "You have an answer for everything, don't you?" phenomena.

Often my answer is no answer. 

But after a bit of introspection, after a bit of hurly-burly thought, I have come to the conclusion that on many topics I am close-minded. For instance, my friend and I voted yesterday. Two drops in the great ocean of turmoil. It felt fantastic. I wore my bandana and torn & frayed jean-jacket so I looked old-school ANTIFA, but we both voted straight, old-school Democrat. And you know what? I have always voted Democrat and I really can't imagine doing anything different. So yes, case & mind closed.

I have made my mind up about many, many things. I am Pro-Democracy & Free & Fair Elections, Pro-Choice and Woman's Autonomy, I am Pro-Human Rights, I am Pro-Equality, I am Pro-Environment, I am solidly aligned with a Diverse, Multi-Cultural, Melting-Pot America. I am Pro-LGBQT+. I am Pro-Immigrant, I am blatantly, proudly, blue-bubble-PROGRESSIVE, a true Born in America Democrat. I am for Workers Rights, Human Rights, Rule of Law, Truth, Justice and the American Way, etc.

I am solidly, fully madly deeply against MAGA, against GOP, against Racism, against White Supremacy, Against Anti-Semitism, against Fundamentalists of all kinds, against Conspiracy Theory Madness, Against Cynicism, Pessimism, Fear, and the retrograde, politically-conservative mind-set.

I can't see how I would ever, ever change my mind about these big issues. I can't see anyone convincing me that, for instance, being Racist, or a White Supremacist, or a MAGA-GOP freak, is a good, fruitful or healthy way to live. So yeah, I guess it's true, on many of the most important topics and issues and core beliefs, I am completely, totally, madly, deeply, enthusiastically close-minded. And happily so...