Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Unsupported Sentences...

Some general statements I probably can't support with evidence, but might be true anyway...

The Future is unpredictable, and not worth speculating about.
No one knows anything, I mean, that's a good starting point.
It's not worth the time wasted listening to crazy and stupid people rant about anything
Everything you think you know probably obscures something you don't know.
If you repeat the crazy stupid shit you see and hear, you are just an amplifier of toxic nonsense.
Loving & Hating are two sides of the same coin.
You may be rewarded by saying "yes," but you also may be rewarded by saying "no."
Seeking the approval of others is a fool's errand.
Everything you know is wrong, but everything you don't know isn't right.
You actually can change the past, you do it all the time when you call up your memories.
We are all authors of our own narrative, but we are just marginal characters in an Epic Saga.
The Human Realm is funny and tragic. Both. It just is.
You can try your best, but it's probably not enough, but that's ok. 
Life can't be solved, it can only be experienced.
If someone tells you they are a "Genius" or a "Self-Made Man" run for the hills, they most certainly aren't.
Racism and Anti-Semitism are mental illnesses.
Stock-piling and hoarding weapons is also a mental illness.
Everyone is slightly crazy, some of us are very much more than slightly.
We are the Clever Monkeys but we aren't nearly as clever as we think we are.