Thursday, November 03, 2022

Fingers Crossed...

So much noise and chatter and hubbub leading up to the Mid-term Election...

Seems like an important election. Most of them are, but for some reason, this one seems even more important and possibly consequential. Democracy, right? As President Joe tells it, Democracy itself is on the ballot. It seems simple to me, you definitely want to vote for folks who believe in Democracy, who believe in the right of all eligible citizens to vote, and and who agree that we all should be able to vote freely and without intimidation. You also want to vote for folks who know how to fucking count. There is no denying that Joe Biden won the election in 2020. He won by a substantial margin.

These crazy-ass, toxic "election deniers" are just full of shite. They are promoting a convenient lie that is toxic poison to a Democracy. They just don't want to admit that Trump, the Toxic Clown lost decisively. I get it. People believe what they want to believe. But the rest of us don't have to swallow that particular Shit Sandwich.

So, yeah, Democracy. I do think it's worth keeping. The choice is clear-cut. I have no idea what is actually going to happen. I am rooting for a bit of sanity & truth and common sense to rise above the noise and bullshit. If you haven't voted yet, please do. Vote Blue. Vote Democrat. Let's keep this democratic experiment going. It would be a shame to fuck it up.