Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Personal Biases...

Yesterday, I thought about my own, personal biases (see previous post). No doubt we all have them. Where do they come from, nature or nurture, or a bit of both? 

Probably a bit of both. Some simple ideas about my own biases:

I am biased against - bullies, racists, fundamentalists of all religions, know-it-alls, televangelists, con-men, hucksters, folks who promise eternal life, and those who warn against eternal damnation, Nazis, White-Supremacists, MAGA-Lunatics, Republicans, Greedy & Selfish People, People who only care about money, Libertarians, Authoritarians & the Lemmings who follow them, small-minded folks, general stupidity, Injustice, Conspiracy-Minded-Ness, purveyors of Doom & Unreason, Glass-Half-Full People.

I am biased towards - Zen, creatives, progressives, novelists, poets, play-wrights, rock & rollers, Democrats, Free-Spirits, Underdogs, Unions, Common-Sense, Clarity, THE LIGHT, Positive Attitude People, Glass Half Full People, Dreamers, Believers in Human Rights for All, Citizens of the World, Vegetarians, Meditators, It Takes a Village Folks, Problem-Solvers, Roll Up Your Sleeves Can Do Damn the Torpedo Folks.