Tuesday, September 13, 2022

No Debate...

This, "The World is Not a Debating Club," from Kevin Drum is SO OBVIOUS and TRUE it's almost invisible to us Human Beings...

This explains so much. Why will the crazy-ass MAGA-hordes follow that fat, loud, creepy, guy who still refuses to admit he lost an election, and is still fleecing them of their hard-earned $ for the BIG LIE?

It's all about emotion. Hate. Racism. Money. Status. They seem themselves in that Fat Con-Man.  They are impervious to facts. And, really, we are all persuaded by Human Beings being Human just like us. We seek out people, listen to people, follow people who make us feel good, who confirm our biases, who make us feel smarter and more powerful.  

It's so obvious. The human ocean of emotion. But just like one fish asking another fish, "What's Water?"  We are blind to our own biases.