Thursday, September 15, 2022

Life Coaching Myself this A.M.

Sometimes I am just "Life- Coaching" myself...

What have you learned Sunny Jimmy?

1.Small steps. Also, watch your step. EVERY STEP COUNTS. Every step is Adventure!
2. Do the hard things first. Get them out of the way early. Don't think about doing them, just buckle down and do them.  Do them early, in the beginning  of the process, when you have the most energy to bring to the tasks.
3. Practice discipline. Don't do things because someone else tells you to do them. Do them on your own. Be disciplined in everything you do. Also, try to have fun, make a game of even ordinary, simple tasks.
4. Pay attention. Listen. Watch. Observe.
5. Don't worry about "what others think." They most likely aren't even thinking about you. Listen to your inner voice, your intuition. You do know what is right, what is essential, what is good. Lean that way.
6. Don't always say what's on your mind. Just because you think it, doesn't mean you should say it. Be disciplined in your thinking and SAYING. This will save you lots of pain and heartache down the road. No doubt.
7. Avoid the Assholes at all costs. Smile. Wave. Say "hello" but GET AWAY from the Assholes as quickly as you can. They will bring you down, they will slime you, they want to hurt you, they will steal your Soul and try to crush it. 
8. Notice what works, and be willing to experiment, and to try new things. Always.
9. Be the thing you want to be. Act like you are the person you' aspire to be. Do things you love to do. Be the action, be the thought, be the desire. Just do it. By doing, you become. Always be in the becoming phase of life.