Friday, September 16, 2022

"It's All Too Much" - George Harrison

I know there are some folks, probably uncounted numbers of folks, who think that all the problems on our little, spinning, blue, planet EARTH, are all related to OVERPOPULATION! I think that is probably not a wrong assumption. Too many people running around on this ball of confusion. There are battles for resources of every kind. We have a population AND a distribution problem. We, as a species, really ran with that biblical idea: Be Fruitful and Multiply. Yikes! Every day, it turns out that people are a problem, and it seems that the people and problems multiply every damn day. There is too much new news, too many opinions, too much conflict, too many agendas. As Bob Marley once sang: "So much trouble in the world..." Yes. Well. What do about it? Who knows? A little "family planning," might be in order. Thinking, you know, less is more.  It's a tricky thing. As we know, Human Beings are complicated, they don't like to be told what to do. Everyone is just carrying on like it's party time, all the time. Something has to give, but not sure what gives first. I put on my optimistic, progressive, blue-bubble glasses this a.m. (the coffee brew this morning is called "Love Buzz"), and I think, it will all work out. One way or another. I mean, probably so, right?!?