Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Performer's Nightmare...

Performer's Nightmare: Big show. Packed house. I have misplaced the set-list. I am playing a borrowed guitar. I have no clue what I am going to play, or to sing. The audience has gathered. All eyes and ears are pointed in my direction. I have to go to the bathroom. I put the guitar down on the stage and run downstairs. I get lost. I can't find the bathroom, or my way back to the stage. I navigate thru dark hallways. I run back on stage, nearly step on, and crush, the guitar. I pick the guitar up, it's tiny, unlike any guitar I have ever played. I  strum it, the sound coming from the guitar is strange, watery, weird. Someone finally hands me a set-list. I realize I don't know any of the songs. I am sweating. I improvise. I play a very simple chord progression and just start singing words off the top of my head. It all sounds like nonsense to my ears.  The audience applauds. They are wild, enthusiastic. I am confused. Befuddled. I look across the room, all I see are eyes, "Dark Eyes", you know like that Bob Dylan song: "Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies, A million faces at my feet but all I see are dark eyes."