Thursday, September 08, 2022

A Tabernacle & Raccoons...

OK. That was weird, and quite gratifying. We went to a "sound-bath" event last night. Two musicians led us in a guided meditation with an array of instruments providing the soundtrack. It was a complete sonic journey, a total sound-healing. A beautiful evening. We had ridden our bikes over, brought our yoga mats with us, bungie-corded to the back, which we then rolled out over impressive Oriental carpets in a small, comfy storefront space. There were about 15 folks there. 

We are long time meditators and creative visualizers, so as soon as we laid back, and closed our eyes, the visions started coming. The tones were captivating, soothing. I totally gave up to the moment. What did I see? Hard to explain. I found myself under a blue sky, spread out in an African Savannah, surrounded by tall grasses. There was a floating Golden Tabernacle, and couple of playful Raccoons. I kid you not.

Later, the rains came, how did they make it rain? I don't rightly know. The meditation lasted for about an hour and a half, but it really didn't seem that long at all. No time and space. Total MOMENT. Afterwards, we chatted with a few friends. Everyone seemed happy, relaxed, pretty amazed by what just happened. Some folks had visions, some just let go. This morning I still feel a bit of an afterglow of peace, and a renewed openness. Still, I have to laugh. A tabernacle and raccoons? WTF?!