Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Change & Motion.

Everyone is starting from a different place. Everyone's experience is completely unique. We all enter and leave on our own terms (maybe), and at our own time (when your time is up, it's up!). It's a wonder we can relate to each other at all. And everything we encounter is basically a moving target; the Universe, the Planet, the Culture, the Peoples of the Earth. Our bodies are always growing, morphing, evolving. Our personal narratives are growing, twisting, turning, folding back in all the time. We tend to think that our own personal narrative is essential, but if we are honest with ourselves, it becomes clear fairly early, that our personal narrative is just one tiny drop in a awe-inspiring, massively-tangled-web of interlocking oceans of narratives. We can't step into the same river, or ocean, twice. What to make of it all? Change is the by-word. Motion too. Everything has it's reason and season. It's that kind of Universe, one open to all comers.