Thursday, July 14, 2022



After a flurry of activity, intense focus, worry, and a little of that over-stuffed "needing, wanting, grasping," I have entered a Zen haze of freedom & contentment. I have been working intensely on a project (to be unnamed, I don't want to jinx it), and well, it's not complete yet, but I have pretty much done all I can do, all the elements are in place for success, I have done the work, and finally, well, it's now basically all up to the fates and furies. Time to sit back and let it unfold.

I was attentively at the wheel, and then, I let go the wheel. I am in the letting go, letting it come down mode. Zen-like. A moment (will it last? probably not), of clarity and calm. Maybe calm before or after the storm, not sure. What happens next? Who knows. I wonder. I am filled with wonder. Empty too.